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Futbol Club Barcelona

Gründer: SuperZlatan9 | Mitglieder: 38 | Beiträge: 35
Barca vs. Chelsea
Antimadrista92 schrieb am 23.04.2012 14:47 Uhr
Morgen ist es soweit, der FC Barcelona empfängt den Fc Chelsea zum Halbfinal-Rückspiel in der UEFA Champions League. Die Londoner reisen mit einem 1-0 Sieg im Gepäck an und werden sich wohl wieder vor allem auf die Defensivarbeit verlegen, während die Gastgeber unter allen Umständen treffen müssen.

Bei Barca sind bis auf Villa, Abidal und Fontas alle mehr oder weniger fit, während bei Chelsea noch ungewis ist ob David Luiz spielen kann. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein dürfte wie schon im Hinspiel Garry Cahill neben John Terry in der Blues-Abwehr auflaufen. Didier Drogab, der Siegtorschütze aus dem hinspiel dürfte wohl wieder ins Team zurückkehren.

Was meint ihr, schafft der FC Barcelona den Einzug ins Finale zum zewiten Mal in Folge, oder wird Chelsea die Katalanen raushauen?
23.04.2012 | 15:21 Uhr
mamö99 :
Nach 2 Niederlage glaube und hoffe ich wieder auf einen Sieg. Ich tippe auf einen Sieg bzw. Weiterkommen nach Verlängerung, nach 90 Min steht es ebenfalls 1:0.
23.04.2012 | 21:11 Uhr
Antimadrista92 :
Pique: "Being a sub is a new situation for me, but it's a decision of the coach. I accept that, and work hard to get back in the line-up."

Pique: "People talk easily about the end of an era. This team has won 13 from 16 trophies, think we deserve a bit more respect."

Pique: "I believe in Guardiola, our relationship is very good, we talk a lot more than people think. I'm sure he will renew."

Pique: "Pep and I joined the first team at the same time, we're part of this beautiful era."

Pique: "Pep always has been tough for me, from the first year. But I like it that way."

Pique: "Many referee mistakes decide the Liga? They had a very good season, they're not first because of the referees. We congratulate them" (so verhalten sich faire sportsmänner)

Pique: "You always think you can do better, certainly because I demand a lot of myself... And yes, this year could have been better..."

Pique: "Drogba diving the whole time in the first game? I won't talk about him diving or not. I believe in his fair play and honesty..."

Pique: "Line-up leaked to the press on Saturday? I'm sure that no one from the players did that."

Pique: "For me, it's not important if I play or not tomorrow. Probably for the press it is. Main thing is to win and qualify for the final."

Pique: "I just want my club to win. I'm a culé. My grandfather made me a club member when I was born."

Joan Pique (father): "Rumours problems Pique-Guardiola? There's no problem at all. Playing or not, Gerard supports the team." [via md]

Guardiola: "Chat before the game longer than normal? Didn't say anything special, we talked tactics, watched a video, as usual."

Guardiola: "Messi didn't feel well yesterday, the doctor gave him something for his stomach, he returned home. Today he felt ok."

Guardiola: "Nothing is going with Gerard, I just have to make choices. I respect him a lot, his way of being, how he loves life, his game."

Guardiola: "Watched the game against Madrid again today, of course you can always do better, but it was a good game, we were in control."

Guardiola: "Qualifying for the final or not will have an influence on my decision to continue or not? No, not at all."

Guardiola: "Line-up leaked? It's a big club, can happen, a gardener can see something... If I want to keep line-up secret, I keep quiet."

Guardiola: "Do I think we will be in Munich? I don't have doubts about that. I have an indestructible belief in my players."

Guardiola: "We have a particular way of playing and as long as I'll be coach, it will stay this way."

Guardiola: "I have my responsibility, but tomorrow it's the hour of the players. They're unique, and tomorrow they'll do it again."

Guardiola: "I'm not worried about Messi, I wouldn't be even if he doesn't score in 27 games. He should do what he always do, and have fun."

Guardiola: "There are a billion of reasons to think we'll qualify. Of course some hope we won't, but allow me to think we can do it."

Guardiola: "Some players have only football. Pique has football and a bunch of other things. I'm no one to change him, I like him this way."

Guardiola: "The press should attack me or or the older players instead of Thiago or Tello, who played a phenomenal game against Madrid."

es wird morgen sehr schwer, aber ich glaube an dieses team und ich hoffe, dass wir weiterkommen werden!

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